International Journal of Intellectual Disability
  • Printed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal
P-ISSN: 2710-3889, E-ISSN: 2710-3897

2023, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A

Overcoming tribulations faced by children with special needs in virtual learning through ICTs

Author(s): Dr. Rohnika Sharma

Abstract: The present paper is based on the theme “Overcoming Tribulations Faced by Children with Special Needs in virtual learning through ICTs”. ICTs offer a great potential to support lifelong learning for all groups of students, including those who have special needs. The new digital Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is not single technology but combination of hardware, software, multimedia, and delivery systems. Today, ICTs in education encompasses a great range of rapidly evolving technologies. How ICTs can be used in the most effective ways for education of people with disabilities is currently high on the political agendas of all countries, particularly those who have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities (CRPD, 2006). The educational needs of people with disabilities are extremely diverse. These diverse and special needs often prevent educational progress and achievement. In this context, the application of ICTs is very important as it plays an essential role in supporting high quality education for learners with disabilities. Through this paper an attempt is made to know how ICTs assist to children with special needs. It also highlights the tribulations faced by children with special needs in using ICTs, & the different curriculum websites, assistive technology, software like (Window-Eyes, JAWS, TOBII - Eye Tracking System, I - Communicator, Head-Mouse Extreme, Text Help System, Math Daisy, Zoom text, Kurzweil) available for educating children with special needs, furthermore it also reflect Accessibility and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendations.

DOI: 10.22271/27103889.2023.v4.i2a.33

Pages: 07-11 | Views: 523 | Downloads: 204

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International Journal of Intellectual Disability
How to cite this article:
Dr. Rohnika Sharma. Overcoming tribulations faced by children with special needs in virtual learning through ICTs. International Journal of Intellectual Disability. 2023; 4(2): 07-11. DOI: 10.22271/27103889.2023.v4.i2a.33
International Journal of Intellectual Disability
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