International Journal of Intellectual Disability
  • Printed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal
P-ISSN: 2710-3889, E-ISSN: 2710-3897

2023, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A

Constructive approach and development of arithmetic skills among children with specific learning disabilities at primary level

Author(s): Dr. Behzad Maqbool and Arti Singh

Abstract: The constructive approach is highly significant for children with learning disabilities as it aligns well with their individual learning needs and fosters a supportive and effective educational environment. This approach emphasizes creating a positive, adaptable, and personalized learning experience that addresses the specific challenges and strengths of each child. The constructive approach is significant for children with learning disabilities because it celebrates their uniqueness, provides tailored support, encourages active engagement, fosters a positive learning environment, and equips them with the skills they need to navigate challenges and thrive. In this experimental study the researcher attempts to develop a package using constructive approach for providing intervention to children with specific learning disabilities to teach them arithmetic skills. A total number of 08 subjects both male and female have been identified for this study. These 08 subjects will be divided equally divided into two groups 4:4 receiving intervention using constructive approach and traditional method respectively. Pre-test mean score of control group was 32.5 and post-test was 40.Pre-test mean score of experimental group 32.75 and post test score was 70.Mean score of control group was 7.5 and experimental group score was 37.5.Hence the result obtain from both the groups shows that there is greater impact of training through constructive approach based module on arithmetic skills of experimental group than control group.

Pages: 01-06 | Views: 263 | Downloads: 102

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International Journal of Intellectual Disability
How to cite this article:
Dr. Behzad Maqbool and Arti Singh. Constructive approach and development of arithmetic skills among children with specific learning disabilities at primary level. International Journal of Intellectual Disability. 2023; 4(2): 01-06.
International Journal of Intellectual Disability
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